EMIT HypothermX™ HX100 intravenous Blood & Fluid Warmer is a patent protected portable fluid warming device designed to warm intravenous fluids, blood or blood products infused into a patient to prevent or treat trauma, environmental, procedure related and/or induced hypothermia. Heating is accomplished via a flameless hydrocarbon combustion process fueled with a isobutane/propane mixture.
HypothermX™ HX100 is the first truly light weight (< 3.0 lbs), portable, long-term (>4 hours continuous use) solution to offer actual therapeutic warming in the field for injured patients. HypothermX™ HX100 is capable of warming up to 5 liters of saline introduced at 15° C and 15 units of packed red blood cells introduced at 5° C to 38° C ± 3° C with an infusion rate between 50 ml/min and 200 ml/min and ambient conditions between 0° C and 40° C. The system has numerous safety features and provides the user with the ability to temporarily silence alarms based on operational needs.